When do I stop buying? Again, I'm glad you asked! Stockpiling is supposed to save you time and money, if you continue to buy when you have a shelf full of shampoo then you are defeating the purpose of stockpiling in the first place. If you do the math a bottle of shampoo and conditioner typically lasts about a month, a bottle of body wash about the same (that's if one person is using it) So if you have 12 bottles of each then you have a years supply of each. That is my goal, I keep a year supply of these items on hand and only buy them after that if I can get them for free.
You can stockpile food as well. I do not stockpile a lot of food, simply because I don't have the space for it. I have one small chest freezer plus my refrigerator/freezer. I buy things like whole chickens when they go on sale and freeze them, I also buy bread when it is on sale and freeze a couple of loaves at a time. My general rule of thumb is to stock up on meats when they go on sale, the rest is relative, if you use a lot of something, stock up on it when it goes on sale. But don't buy 10 boxes of cereal simply because it's on sale (unless you're the Duggars) chances are it will go stale before you can eat it all, and the likelihood that it will be on sale the very next week is pretty high.
I have a theory, if you have to go out and buy a new freezer, or shelving unit to support your stockpile then you are not saving money. I use the space I have and utilize it as best as I can and when that space is used up, that's it.... no more buying. Pretty simple!
By the way, yes these are pictures of my actual cabinets and pantry!
very nicely put!